Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Bartending School Question?

I've been looking around on these forums, and it seems like people are not huge fans of bartending schools. Like any profession, starting at the bottom seems to be the most proven method. That said, is there any way going to a school can hurt (besides spending $3-400)? Won't knowing at least some drinks and having basic skills help you graduate from the barback position faster?

I don't expect to go to bartending school and get a full time job right away, but I suspect it could help me get a part time or bar back position. Is this suspicion wrong?

A side note: I am graduating from college in may and am taking a year off to save money for law school. If I take a class over spring break and start looking for a job in may, will I have a decent chance of really bartending by the time I enter law school? (one year and 3 months later)Another Bartending School Question?
starting at the bottom really is the way to go. you'll earn a small salary plus tips.

you can learn a lot from just looking up drink recipes on the web, and there are a ton of books to read too.

find a small bar/restaurant/pub or even a country club that is willing to hire and train you.Another Bartending School Question?
it is not a wast of time

but bartending alltogethear is a bad idea unless you like to stay up tell 4-6am every time you work

i loved it for the first year thean it gets old real fast!!Another Bartending School Question?
i went to bartending school 15 yrs ago, its a waste of money with empty promises. dont waste the $400 to go. most bar arent fancy establishments. ex. the bars your looking at are college age bars, do you know how to pour a beer, a shot, and simple drinks. you dont need school. Another Bartending School Question?
I was a bartender for years, I just learned in the club scene, I wished I had went to bartending school because my co-workers had every thing memorized, if nothing else it will be a good experience. Also, it is very good money if you get the right bar, just remember to continue your education. When you get older people look for younger bartenders!!

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