Monday, February 20, 2012


Does anyone know how much is the fee for the New York Bartending School? Now, that I finally have reached legal age, yes!... I would like to become a bartender! I've heard by far this school is really great. Anyone who has graduated from the school, please leave your feedback. Thanks. . .NEW YORK BARTENDING SCHOOL?
I will repeat what is posted for EVERY question about bar tending schools:

they are a waste of money.

for the $500+ you pay, it will teach you nothing you won't learn either by getting a $5 book or on the job.

most employers ignore the schooling on your application, and only look for experience... if you have none, you will be hired as a server or bar back (bartender assistant) and keep giving you more responsibilities. this doesn't change if you went to some fancy school. hands-on experience is your only real advantage.NEW YORK BARTENDING SCHOOL?
As a retired bartender the best advice I can give you is to not pay more than $1000.00 for the school. Any fee greater and they are ripping you off. Most school are $300.00 to $500.00 but in higher demand areas I could see it being as much as a $1000.00.

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