Friday, January 27, 2012

How successful has attending bartending school been to getting a job?

I am interesrted in attending the san francisco school of bartending but i was curious how successful people have been getting a job after attending. Is it mroe benefical to attend a school? Do they really have good job placement? Which bartending school in the SF bay area has the highest success rate? any info would be great and appreciated. I am mainly interested in information that has to do with the SF bay area.How successful has attending bartending school been to getting a job?
My experience was in Indianapolis, but it's applicable to the SF area. When I retired from the Air Force in 1992, I decided to go to bartending school (3 week course). Upon completion, I landed a job at a restaurant as the main bartender (5 shifts a week, including Monday night football night, Friday, and Saturday nights). It led to a very successful career in "the biz" that took me to another restaurant and bigger bar, then another bigger bar, then into management, first as assistant, then manager, then GM, then a multi-unit (regional) manager. So disregard the idiot comment that was posted first and GO FOR IT!!!! Can't hurt...How successful has attending bartending school been to getting a job?
i think it is way better to go to school if u just go to a bartending school then if no one will take you then u have to get a job at a conviniant store you will be a low lifeHow successful has attending bartending school been to getting a job?
I can't help you with the Bay Area, even though I live here. But I can tell you that a friend of mine on the east coast went to bartending school when she was laid off from her job. She had no problems getting a good job at an exclusive club, the pay was great, and could cover her rent and groceries until she got a different job in her career path. So yes, I'd say go for it. Just read all their literature and ask them your questions. Good luck!

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